Saturday, March 9, 2013

Call The #1 Safe Movers Houston When You Need Gun Safe Moving

Call the #1 safe movers Houston has, King Safe & Lock, at (713) 465-0055 when you need gun safe moving, fire safe moving, commercial safe moving, jewelry safe moving, wall safe moving, document safe moving or the moving of any type of safe you want moved in Houston, TX. They have the crew, the trucks, the experience and the know-how to be your Houston safe movers

See this Powerpoint Slideshow to learn more:


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Houston Gun Safes Dealer Recommends Securing Your Guns

We would like to share 3 good and informative articles with you that are all related to guns, gun safes, schools, gun safety and gun locks.

With all the controversy and debate about guns, shootings in schools and elsewhere, gun safety, personal safety, the right to bear arms, the Second Amendment states:

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed".

One of the top Houston gun safes dealers, King Safe and Lock, strongly encourages anyone who owns firearms to safely and securely store those handguns, rifles, shotguns, ammunition, etc. in a gun safe. Our firearms must not fall into the wrong hands, our children and families must be safe and as gun owners, we must be responsible with our firearms.

Everybody who owns firearms should also own a safe. For more information please come in or call King Safe and Lock.

King Safe and Lock is a leading 24-hour emergency Houston locksmith service, safes, and high security locks company in Houston. They will also move your safe for you.

Visit or Contact them at:

8429 Katy Freeway
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 465-0055

To read each of these articles in it's entirety, please click on the blue link above the article.

Unsafe gun safes? Toddler's death raises oversight question - KENS 5 TV - 
Unsafe gun safes? Toddler's death raises oversight question - KENS 5 TV - These ordinary household items have one extraordinary thing in common: Security experts recently discovered all three provide a key to opening gun safes. No fingerprints necessary...

Idaho school district approves rifles, gun safes in schools - - Idaho school district approves rifles, gun safes in schools - - Pocatello Police Sgt. Ralph Daniels, who supervises the School Resource Officers on the force, shows off one of the gun safes that would ...

The Gun Debate: Staying Safe Around Firearms - Williamsburg Yorktown Daily
The Gun Debate: Staying Safe Around Firearms (w/ Video) - Williamsburg Yorktown Daily - “I think gun locks are good, gun safes are great, anything that limits access to them.” Gun locks are an excellent way to secure a weapon. When used properly, the gun...

What did you think about these articles? Did you like them or not? Agree with them or not? Were they helpful or not? If not, what kind of information about the above subjects and Houston gun safes would you like to read?

Comments are open so feel free to leave a Comment.

American Security TF6032 Gun Safe